
As a Managing Entity, LSF Health Systems (LSFHS) regularly conducts competitive procurements for behavioral health services that are open to non-profit organizations in our region.

Per Chapter 394 Florida Statutes, LSFHS is not required to competitively procure Network  Service Providers.  LSFHS posts procurement opportunities on this webpage. Please check this page regularly to view announcements about upcoming funding opportunities.

Additionally, all procurement notices are sent out via email to all active LSFHS Network Service Providers, stakeholders and anyone else who has requested to be added to our distribution list.  If you are not currently on our list and would like to be added, please send your contact information to

Current Network Service Providers are evaluated on an ongoing basis through monitoring events, Corrective Action Plans (CAPs), reviews, etc. Refer to the Reallocation of Funds Policy and Procedure below for more information.

Non-network providers who are interested in joining the LSFHS Network should complete the following and submit to

Policies and Procedures:







LSF Health Systems (LSFHS) is seeking Submission of information (SOI) requests for specialty programming in the following areas. All funding amounts listed below are subject to change and dependent on the availability of funds from the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF).

Care Coordination Services in Circuits 5 and 7:

LSF Health Systems seeks to contract with a Network Service Provider(s) in Circuits 5 and 7 to provide children’s care coordination services in each circuit (2), which includes one Care Coordinator per circuit.

Care Coordination serves to assist individuals who are not effectively connected with the services and supports they need to transition successfully from higher levels of care to effective community-based care. Care coordination is designed to:

  • Improve transitions from acute and restrictive to less restrictive community-based levels of care;
  • Decrease avoidable hospitalizations, inpatient care, incarcerations, and homelessness; and
  • Focus on an individual’s wellness, physical health, and community integration.
  • Reducing entry into the child welfare system, and Increase knowledge of, and access to, community-based services and supports

The program must follow the requirements reference on Incorporated Document 31 – Care Coordination – FY 23-24.

Proposals must include both Exhibit G and Exhibit C and D.

Exhibit G – SOI – Fillable – FY 23-24 rev. 110123

Exhibit C and D – Proj Operating and Capital Budget – FY 24-25

The anticipated effective date of the proposed contract is August 15, 2024. LSF Health Systems will accept Submission of Information (SOI) forms with annual budgets, at maximum, of  $68,000 per team total by 4:00 PM, Tuesday, July 30, 2024 to Funding is subject to availability of funds from the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF). The award recipient will be contacted directly.

Substance use and mental health treatment for families with child welfare involvement:

LSF Health Systems seeks to contract with a Network Service Provider(s) in Circuit 5, to specifically include Lake and Sumter counties to provide services focused to prioritize the treatment of substance use disorders of parents and children with child welfare involvement.

LSF Health Systems will accept a broad scope of service models, however preference will be given to evidence-based models to address the needs of child welfare involved families. Services must include:

  1. Referral and behavioral assessment process that addresses the needs of child welfare. This process must include centralized referral route and point of contact.
  2. A process to obtain required releases of information, Information to be shared with the behavioral health providers at time of referral.
  3. Established timeframes for assessments to be shared with child welfare and communication protocol to facilitate timely information sharing and concurrent planning between all parties involved in the family’s care.
  4. Service delivery practices that ensure the coordination of care among child welfare, Network Service Providers, and other stakeholders in the case.
  5. A plan to provide child welfare-specific behavioral health services for families in the child welfare system. Network Service Providers with a child welfare focus will complete assessment, outreach, engagement, integrate parenting interventions and maximize retention in treatment for families involved in the child welfare system.
  6. A plan to ensure continuity of care in the community following child welfare involvement.
  7. A process to share data, measure mutual outcomes and mechanisms to track referrals to services, entry to services, length of stay and completion outcomes for families.

Proposals must include both Exhibit G and Exhibit C and D.

Exhibit G – SOI – Fillable – FY 23-24 rev. 110123

Exhibit C and D – Proj Operating and Capital Budget – FY 24-25

The anticipated effective date of the proposed contract is August 15, 2024. LSF Health Systems will accept Submission of Information (SOI) forms with annual budgets, at maximum, of $250,000 total by 4:00 PM, Tuesday, July 30, 2024 to Funding is subject to availability of funds from the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF). The award recipient will be contacted directly.

Substance use residential beds:

LSF Health Systems seeks to contract with a Network Service Provider(s) to provide residential treatment beds for individuals with substance use disorders in Circuits 3/8, 4, 5, and 7.

The program must follow the requirements set forth by 65E-14, Florida Administrative Code:

(dd) Residential Level I.

  1. Description – These licensed services provide a structured, live-in, non-hospital setting with supervision on a twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week basis. For adult mental health, Residential Treatment Facilities Level IA and IB, as defined in Rule 65E-4.016, F.A.C., are reported under this Covered Service. For children with serious emotional disturbances, Level 1 services are the most intensive and restrictive level of residential therapeutic intervention provided in a non-hospital or non-crisis stabilization setting. Residential Treatment Centers, as defined in Rule 65E-9.002, F.A.C. are reported under this Covered Service. For substance use treatment, Residential Level 1, as defined in Rule 65D-30.007, F.A.C., provides a range of assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, and ancillary services in an intensive therapeutic environment, with an emphasis on treatment, and may include formal school and adult education programs.

(ee) Residential Level II.

  1. Description – Level II facilities are licensed, structured rehabilitation-oriented group facilities that have twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, supervision. Level II facilities house persons who have significant deficits in independent living skills and need extensive support and supervision. For adults with a mental illness, Residential Treatment Facilities Level II, as defined in Rule 65E-4.016, F.A.C., are reported under this Covered Service. For children with serious emotional disturbances, Level II services provide intensive therapeutic behavioral and treatment interventions. Therapeutic Foster Homes are reported under this Covered Service. For substance use treatment, Level II, as defined in Rule 65D-30.007, F.A.C., services provide a range of assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, and ancillary services in a less intensive therapeutic environment with an emphasis on rehabilitation and may include formal school and adult educational programs.

Proposals must include both Exhibit G and Exhibit C and D.

Exhibit G – SOI – Fillable – FY 23-24 rev. 110123

Exhibit C and D – Proj Operating and Capital Budget – FY 24-25

The anticipated effective date of the proposed contract is August 15, 2024. LSF Health Systems will accept Submission of Information (SOI) forms with annual budgets, at maximum, of $2,119,044 total by 4:00 PM, Tuesday, July 30, 2024 to Funding is subject to availability of funds from the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF). The award recipient will be contacted directly.